The Old Philologians Association

Rules of the Association as amended in 2012

1. The Association shall be called "The Old Philologians".

2. The objects of the Association shall be to maintain and further good fellowship among the past pupils of St Marylebone Grammar School and those who were associated with it, and to keep alive the name and record of the School.

3. All who were educated in the School, and all who were Governors of it or members of its staff, shall be eligible as Members, subject to election by the Committee. In addition, on the recommendation of the Committee, a General Meeting shall have power to elect as an Associate Member, a relative of a Member who has died if that relative expresses a wish to continue to be involved in the Association's activities. An Associate Member shall not have power to vote at meeting

4. Subscriptions shall be payable with applications for admission to Membership or Associate Membership and renewable in January each year. At its autumn meeting each year, the Committee shall fix the subscriptions for the next year for United Kingdom and overseas Members. The Committee shall have power to declare that a Member whose subscription is twelve months in arrears shall cease to be a Member.

5. There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the Association in the first half of each year at which the business required by these Rules and any other suitable business shall be done.

6. The management of the Association shall be vested in the Committee, which shall consist of the Officers, eight Elected Committee Members and additional Committee Members co-opted in accordance with these Rules. The Committee shall meet not less than three times in each year, shall elect its Chairman from amongst its Members, shall have power to act not withstanding a casual vacancy and shall have the powers provided in these Rules. Four Members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. The Committee shall cause books of accounts to be kept with respect to all sums of money received and expended by the Association. The Committee shall cause to be prepared and audited and laid before the Association at every Annual General Meeting, an income and expenditure account.

7. The Officers shall be the President, the Treasurer and the Secretary. They shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to serve until the next such Meeting. The Committee shall have power to accept the resignation of any Officer and to make an acting appointment if any kind of vacancy occurs among the Officers. The chairman of the Committee, the Treasurer and the Secretary shall each make a Report to the Annual General Meeting.

8. Of the eight Elected Committee Members, two shall retire each year as they complete a four year term of office. At the Annual General Meeting, replacement Committee Members shall be elected by show of hands. A retiring Committee Member may be nominated for re-election. Nominations may be made in advance of the Meeting to the Secretary or by proposal at the Meeting itself. If, for any reason, an Elected Committee Member does not complete his term of four years, an election for the remainder of the term shall be made at the next Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall have power to accept the resignation of an Elected Committee Member and of any other Member of the Association. The Committee shall also have power to presume the resignation of an Elected Committee Member who fails to attend two consecutive Committee Meetings without offering good reason.

9. The Committee shall have power to co-opt Additional Committee Members, as it may think fit. The Annual-General Meeting may direct the Committee to co-opt named Additional Committee Members. These co-opted Members shall serve until the next Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall also have the power to appoint sub-Committees.

10. An Examiner shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting. He shall serve until the next Annual General Meeting and shalt receive such remuneration, if any, as the Annual General Meeting may decide. The Committee shall have power to accept the resignation of an Examiner and to make an acting appointment until the next Annual General Meeting if any kind of vacancy occurs. The Examiner shall make a Report to the Annual General Meeting on the Treasurer's Report and Statement of Accounts.

11. On the recommendation of the Committee, a General Meeting shall have power to elect as an Honorary Member of the Association any person who has shown particular interest in its activities or in the memory of St Marylebone Grammar School. An Honorary Member shall be elected for life and shall not be required to pay a subscription. An Honorary Member shall have power to vote at Meetings. The Committee shall have power to waive the subscription of any member in exceptional circumstances.

12. The Committee may at any time call a Special General Meeting of the Association in accordance with these Rules.

13. The duties of the Secretary shall include the despatch to all Members of Notice of the Annual General Meeting and of any Special General Meeting. Such Notice shall incorporate or be accompanied by the Agenda for the Meeting so that in the ordinary course of post it will be delivered not less than fourteen days before the date of the Meeting.

14. Those present at an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting shall form a quorum. At any Meeting of the Association a resolution put to the vote shall be decided on a show of hands unless the Meeting itself asks for a secret ballot.

15. The president shall take the Chair at the Annual General Meeting but the Chairman for the Meeting shall be elected by the Meeting if the President is not present or expresses unwillingness to take the Chair. The Chairman at a Special General Meeting shall be elected by the Meeting.

16. The Committee shall, subject to the approval of a majority of Members at a General Meeting of the association, have power to disband the Association at such time as it considers the number of Members so small that it cannot continue meaningful activities and to dispose of the assets of the Association in accordance with the wishes of a General Meeting.

17. These Rules may be altered or replaced only by an affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of those present at a General meeting and only if, and to the extent that, notice of the change(s) is given in the Agenda. Drafting changes may be made without notice at such a Meeting but not changes of substance.